Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Susan Boyle's phenomenon

Susan Boyle, being a lady in her late 40's, with an ordinary housewife look and body figure, no one actually took her seriously when she stood on the stage of Britain's Got Talent. In fact, when she told the judges that she wished to be like one of the famous musical singers, they showed her a doubtful and some even a disgusted look. Susan, being how courageous she was, began with her singing. Her beautiful voice brightened the entire hall, right after the first line of the song, all the audience stood up with a big applause. At the moment, no one including the judges could recover from the shock of listening to Susan's singing, the sequence of their expression changes from shocked to suprised, stunned to excited, Susan knew it clearly that she has blown them away.

The judges apologised to Susan for being prejudiced against her appearance and they confessed honestly that they never thought she would be such an excellent singer. Perhaps to them, Susan's wish of being like the famous musical singer could only remain as a dream of a dreamer. But, Susan's singing proves them wrong. A book should never be judged by its cover.

Come to think of it, what Susan Boyle has done actually puts many of us to shame. In our lives, we may have laughed at some dreams which we had heard of before and we thought they are rather impossible to happen. But, who are we to laugh at the dreams which are actually belonged to other people? No one has the power to decide whether the others' dreams would ever come through.

One should keep his dreams up as his dreams will keep him going.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009






Monday, April 13, 2009



以经验而论,当情绪因某个人而起伏, 思绪被牵绊,还有不时检查手机里是否有新简讯,那,大概已经泥足深陷了。

人总是在矛盾中求存,刚从一个泥沼中脱身而出,又一脚踩进了另一个泥沼, 心中难免有些忐忑, 但还是因为感受到那份契合与感动,情难以禁。

绝对认同,缘是天定, 份是人为。真挚的情感, 需要认真的经营以及细心的灌溉。 希望这一次,开花结果。

Thursday, April 9, 2009


Someone has just encoutered an awful experience with one of his relatives which made him very upset and irritated. After listening to his story, I am not suprised of such thing to happen especially where it involves money.

Some relatives are capable of running us to a corner and squeeze everything out of us just like when lions see their target, they will not walk away until the target is left with the skeleton. Whatever the relatives do to you or how they do to you, their one and only justification would always be "blood related" or "family tie". I fully understand the frustration of Someone's with what he has had encountered, but to think from another angle, are these people important to you? do they ever mean anything to you? If the answer is negative, then they are basically worthless to you, so my next question would be do they worth your emotion of being upset & angry because of what they did and how they behaved?

As I grow older, I realise how short our lives can be, so I would not want to spend or rather to waste any seconds on people whom I do not care about. All these people are just passers-by in our lives, why would we allow such passers-by to decide our feelings of the day?

Always remember, whether feeling happy or sad, the clock continues ticking, so, it is a matter of choice on how you want to lead your life.

Someone, be happy no worries *_*

Monday, April 6, 2009

Recent favourite drama series --- Damages

Recently, I was recommended to watch an English drama series called Damages. It is a series about lawyers and it has been quite some time since I finished my old time law series "The Practice" (sigh...until today I still can't find the dvds). The leading actress in Damages is Glenn Close, frankly speaking, this name is not familiar to me, but after watching the 1st episode, I was impressed by her acting. She is just as cool as the character in the story, Patty Hewes.

I remember in the 1st episode, Patty tried to pushed her opponent to reach an out of court settlement and when both parties reached the court house, Patty tricked her opponent into believing that the jury has reached a verdict so the man reluctantly agreed to the figure insisted by Patty. Right after the opponent confirmed the settlement figure with the judge over the phone, he saw one of the juror members walked pass them, so the secret is out. He said angrily to Patty "If you were a man, I would kick the shit out of you!" and Patty shot back at him "If you were a man, I would be worried." What a cool response isn't it? That is so mean to the man hahahaaa....Well, as I was told, this is just a peak of the iceberg in this series and with all the suspense in the story as I have seen so far, I am quite convinced with the statement. I really look forward to the full story of this series and some other powerful lines by Patty Hewes.

How great if there is SOMEONE who would also enjoy this show, then I can share further with the SOMEONE.

Friday, April 3, 2009

A short weekend spent in Kuala Lumpur

I made a trip to KL with few good friends to visit a close friend of ours, Azlin, who has shifted there about a year ago.
On our way to KL, Shariff played a Anuar Zain's CD repeatedly on this song, Lelaki Ini, until I couldn't get it off of my head. So, I got Someone to download this song and have it sent to me, and I post it here for you.
In this trip, we met up with Azlin's bunch of old friends from KL for dinner and we enjoyed the company of everyone there. These are some nice pictures taken by a guy named Khairul, who has a very sophisticated camera, at the seafood restaurant where we had the dinner.

Never too late to start off a new thing in life

I never thought of having a blog for myself until I browsed through some interesting blogs recently and I start to think that this would probably be a good way to record part & parcel of my life.

Lets start from here...